Customer Story – select RingsTrue to improve annual fundraising efforts, is the world leading Jewish news and affairs content site. They have a large community following and are powered by

Fundraising Initiatives

Aish employees regularly engage with stakeholders via telephone and each year there is a dedicated fundraising effort that took place February 14-16, 2021.

After a quick installation process for RingsTrue, prepared their fundraising dial lists using the newly verified/cleaned data. Without needing to manually correct numbers/guess country codes, feedback from all of the callers for the campaign was really positive. Aish also estimated that each caller was able to complete an additional 25 calls from their dial list when compared to previous years.

The Results

When multiplied across 120 callers, early estimates are that RingsTrue allowed for 3,000 additional calls made throughout the campaign – a great achievement!

Please contact us to learn how we can improve your own data and help drive your business forward.

“This year’s fundraiser is the first in memory where there were no complaints about bad phone numbers, an immediate benefit for us after installing RingsTrue” said Dan. “We were able to surpass our crowd fundraising goal of $4 million and eventually raised $5.2 million.”
Dan Hazony
Chief Information Officer, Aish Global